
Friday, February 23, 2024

The Mahdi and the Teachings of His Followers

We have blogged many times on the Muslim Mahdi in the past but not so much just recently.  The Mahdi is a Muslim messiah figure that supposedly has been hiding in a well someplace for 1100 years and is going to reveal himself in the very last days.  His attributes sound very much like many of those of the Antichrist.  But if he were going to pull all sorts of left-behind folks into following him, he’d have to change a lot of the laws that Muslims currently have.  For instance, folks are going to want to drink alcohol and women aren’t going to want to wear those black burqas. No problem, he can change that! King David needs to be held high in honor maybe to bring in the Jews and maybe the left-behind “Christians” too.  And the Star of David claimed by the Jews as their symbol is really a symbol for the Mahdi.  So watch this short little clip that was suggested for me by YouTube and see if we can learn more about this messianic figure that many, many Muslims (not all) believe is soon going to be revealed.

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