
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Doomsday Glacier

 Here’s just one more article to go into the file of “we’re all gonna die real soon!”  Just remember, God is not on his throne saying, “No!!  Not the glacier!!  This is a catastrophe!  What in the world am I gonna do?”


  • Geoengineers are planning to test massive underwater curtains that could slow catastrophic glacial melting.

  • The Thwaites, a.k.a. "doomsday glacier," has lost over 1,000 billion tons of ice since 2000.

  • If the Thwaites collapsed entirely, global sea levels would ultimately rise by about 10 feet.

A couple feet of sea level rise may not sound like a lot. But if sea levels rose by 2 feet worldwide, the effects on coastal communities would be catastrophic.

Cities like New York, Miami, and New Orleans would experience devastating flooding. Across the globe, 97 million people would be in the path of rapidly encroaching waters, putting their homes, communities, and livelihoods at risk.

That's what would happen if the Thwaites glacier, nicknamed the 'doomsday glacier,' collapsed. But it wouldn't stop there.

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