
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Mysterious Earthquake Swarms

 There will be earthquakes in diverse places...warns Jesus.

We blogged a lot about the New Madrid fault some years ago and continue to watch it.  When it pops again it will be the largest catastrophe to ever befall America.

Today we see a headline with the word MYSTERIOUS in regards to quakes rumbling around in the USA.

While the eastern U.S. saw multiple earthquakes over the last week, it appears a mysterious swarm has returned to central South Carolina near the town of Elgin. Over the last 7 days, USGS reported earthquakes in New York, Maine, New Jersey, Tennessee, and North Carolina. And now they’re reporting that another earthquake rocked the Elgin, South Carolina area, the third such quake to hit the small town east of Columbia in the last 30 days.

Despite it’s relatively weak magnitude as a 1.9 event, the 10:47 pm quake last night did generate plenty of shaking reports into USGS. According to USGS, 50 people used the “Did you feel it?” online reporting tool on their website to report they felt this earthquake. The earthquake was rather shallow at 2.9 km, which could be one reason why many people felt it even though it was late into the evening.

The other two recent quakes to strike here hit on March 9th and 10th, with the first being a stronger magnitude 2.7 event and the second being a weaker 1.1 magnitude event.

On Monday, December 27, 2021 at 2:18 pm in the afternoon, an unusual earthquake struck in this same general area and the quakes have continued on and off since, with dozens reported in 2022 and 2023. That first 3.3 magnitude earthquake hit 30 miles north of Columbia, South Carolina at a depth of only 3.1 km. More than 3,100 residents reported to USGS they felt it at the time, with one report of shaking coming from as far away as Rock Hill, which is at the North/South Carolina state border. While many felt the earthquake, there was no reported damage in the Palmetto State. That earthquake was followed by 10 more ranging in intensity between a magnitude 1.5 to a magnitude 2.6 event. The second earthquake struck three hours twenty minutes after the first one. The last earthquake in that series struck on the morning of January 5, bringing a temporary end to the earthquakes there. But the swarm returned many times throughout 2022, rattling locals and unnerving local officials that weren’t sure of their source or cause.

Here;  As Eastern U.S. Shakes, Mysterious Earthquake Swarm Returns to South Carolina (

The earth continues to groan as it awaits its redemption.

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