
Friday, March 8, 2024

Summoning Up Demons?

 Artificial Intelligence is 100% a “Very Last Days” phenomenon.  How do you control an intelligence that doubles its knowledge every few days and will have read every book ever published in the entire world in the next few months?  How will you control a machine who is the best computer hacker in the world?  And certainly we all know that it won’t take AI very long to realize that humans are the problem behind all bad things on earth.  We are the murderers, the thieves, the polluters, rapists, drug addicts, porn addicts and the folks who hold the keys to nuclear destruction.  So how long before AI tries to shut off the worst offenders on planet earth, humans?  And as a Bible believer, we can be quite certain that Satan and his minions will be inside the AI machines leading the way in some global plot to kill all humans.  He came to  murder and destroy and AI will almost certainly be part of the Great Tribulation on the prophetic horizon.


The first troubling headline I saw stated, “Ex-Google Executive Anthony Levandowski is Founding a Church Where People Worship an Artificial Intelligence God.”

The second headline read, “Why Humans Will Happily Follow a Robot Messiah.”

I started watching videos online of robots who look human and who “think.” They answer questions and seem to process real thoughts. Developers of these robots say someday they will solve society’s problems. Such men also believe that it is possible for artificial intelligence to be a billion times smarter than humans. Try to process that!

Various leaders in the field of “AI” have made some of the following statements:

  • “The human era could be ending and machines will take over.”
  • “He who develops AI rules the world. We aren’t going to be able to control it.”
  • “We are summoning up demons.”
  • “We are playing with fire.”
  • “This is one of the dumbest things we can do.”
  • “Soon robots will walk among us. They will play with us, teach us, and they will truly be our friends.”
  • “AI will be smarter than humans and will become a god.”
  • “AI could become the worst event in the history of civilization.”
  • “In the end, the machines will win.”

Maybe this new religion isn’t the promise of paradise after all. Some promoting AI are evangelists and some of them offer a new Promised Land. But some of the very movers and shakers of the artificial intelligence industry are sounding serious warnings.

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