
Monday, March 18, 2024

The Hittites Show Up on Google News

 You don’t have to read in Genesis very long before you read of the Hittites.  Ham was a son of Noah who survived the flood and ended up dishonoring his father when he found Noah drunk.  As a result Noah cursed Ham’s son, Canaan.  Canaan ended up being a major enemy of the Jews called the Canaanites.  Canaan also became the father of the Hittites.  If you have an online Bible do a search of the word Hittite and read about where they came up.

Ultimately they end up in the Promised Land while the Jews are spending 400 years in Egypt.  And ultimately they become an enemy to God and He tells the Israelites to drive them all out of the Promised Land and to kill them all.

Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.  Deuteronomy 20:17

A funny thing showed up on Google News this morning;  a story about the Hittites!  Once again we have archeologists confirming what the Bible has reported all along.


Based on the typology and distribution of the collected pottery shards, Büklükale is thought to be a single-period city belonging to the Hittite Empire Period and having a diameter of 500 m.

The palm-size tablet was found in May 2023 by Kimiyoshi Matsumura, an archaeologist at the Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archaeology, amid the Hittite ruins at Büklükale.

The Hittites used the Hurrian language for religious ceremonies, Matsumura told Live Science, and it appears that the tablet is a record of a sacred ritual performed by the Hittite king.

Archaeologists have unearthed a 3,300-year-old clay tablet depicting a catastrophic foreign invasion of the Hittite Empire in Büklükale, about 100 km from Turkey’s capital Ankara.

A translation of the tablet’s cuneiform text indicates that the invasion occurred during a Hittite civil war, presumably in an attempt to support one of the fighting factions.

Previously, only broken clay tablets had been found in the excavations at Büklükale, but this one is in almost perfect condition.

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