
Friday, March 1, 2024

Why Are Billionaires Building Bunkers?

That is a great question!  Do these ultra-rich folks know something the rest of the world doesn’t?  Do they have fortune tellers who are summoning evil forces in the heavenly realms to tell them to “prepare for chaos the likes of which the world has never seen”?  Of course Bible readers don’t need fortune tellers or shamans because we can read and believe the Living Word of God.  We know that the world can’t continue on its current trajectory too much longer.  We also know that Jesus is going to come for his Bride because there is no wrath due her.  Jesus took the wrath of God on our behalf!  That’s the Gospel message!

But after we are gone and the restraining force of the Holy Spirit is removed, the wrath of God will be unleashed on earth.  It will ultimately get so bad that if Jesus didn’t return to earth to put an end to the chaos, “no flesh would survive”.  When Jesus returns as judge the rich people will beg the mountains (or their bunkers)to fall on them to protect them from the wrath of the Lamb.


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, co-founder and co-CEO of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, plan to build a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter on their Hawaii ranch with its own energy and food supplies, according to a Wired investigation published earlier this month.

The plan is that the shelter’s door will be made of metal and filled in with concrete—common in bunkers and bomb shelters, the news outlet reported in its extensive article citing planning documents and interviews.

So why is Zuckerberg going to such effort?

Does he know something that the rest of us do not?

Yes, it is true that Zuckerberg has always been more than a little bit eccentric.

But many other ultra-wealthy individuals are also preparing for doom.  In fact, Sam Altman and Peter Thiel both seem to be extremely alarmed about the times that are approaching… 

To keep himself safe, Altman keeps a stash of the usual Doomsday prepper fare including antibiotics and water as well as some more unusual goods. He told the founders of the startup Shypmate, per the New Yorker: “I try not to think about it too much. But I have guns, gold, potassium iodide, antibiotics, batteries, water, gas masks from the Israeli Defence Force, and a big patch of land in Big Sur I can fly to.”

He also said he and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel have an “arrangement” to flee to one of Thiel’s luxury properties in New Zealand in the event the End of the World comes about.

Why would Sam Altman need guns and gas masks?

And why would he need potassium iodide?

Exactly what does he expect to happen?

Other billionaires are going to even greater extremes.

Al Corbi, the founder and president of Strategically Armored & Fortified Environments, says that he is currently working on an “island fortress” for one client that will have a very deep moat around it filled with highly flammable liquid

Corbi — who worked on the palatial 27-floor, $4.8 billion Mumbai residence of business mogul Mukesh Ambani of Reliance Industries — reveals to THR that his most spectacular project, due to be completed in 2025, is an island fortress created on a 200-acre property in the U.S., with cutting-edge tactical systems.

“The shelter can withstand a blast one mile from ground zero,” says Corbi. “But that was almost incidental. The client [a business mogul] was saying, ‘I want to make sure that no one can get to my family,’ so we wound up literally building a 30-foot-deep lake [around the compound] skimmed with a lighter-than-water flammable liquid that can transform into a ring of fire. The only access to the island is a swing bridge.”

I have to admit, that sounds pretty cool.

I just hope that they have figured out how to keep the fire from escaping the moat.

The property will also have “water cannons that can take down parachuters”

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