
Thursday, April 25, 2024

A New Sexual Identity--Fraysexual

All these sexual identities just testify to our human nature...FILLED WITH SIN!

Today we read about a new sexual identity.  It's called fraysexual.  You better learn all about it because they even have their own flag!  And if you fail to identify them as a valid identity then you could be guilty of being frayphobic!

Fraysexuals are people who only like to have sex with strangers.  They aren't sexually attracted to people that they know.  So for eons these poor men (and a few perverted women) were trapped in marriage where they were forced to have sex with their wife...someone they knew OH too well!

When these men would be on business trips and would meet a strange women, (or man for those who identify as gay-fraysexual) that they were incredibly attracted to and had an intense desire to copulate with, they had to deny their identity of being fraysexual and simply go back to their rooms and call their wives!!  If they ever dared to act and fulfill their identities, they they risked that their wives would find out, they wouldn't understand, they would be mad, they could ask for a divorce and the poor fraysexual man would have to lose his house, 1/2 his assets and alienate his children!

Thankfully men can now proudly wave the flag of fraysexual!  Any of you women who deny your husband's fraysexuality and expect him to "remain faithful" to can you possibly be so hateful, intolerant and unloving to the man you promised to love and support??

Fraysexuality, also known as ignotasexuality, is a sexual identity in which people experience a strong attraction to strangers, and less attraction to people they know well.

A fraysexual person generally prefers having sex with people they don't know over those they do. It's the opposite of demisexuality, where a person needs to know someone well and feel connected to them before experiencing sexual attraction.

This identity is on the asexual spectrum, and it has its own flag: The colors are four stripes of blue, cyan, white, and gray. The blue represents strangers, the cyan acquaintances, white for lack of attraction, and gray for sexual attraction confusion.

Ahead, we'll discuss more about fraysexuality, signs a person may exhibit as a fraysexual, and how this identity might impact your love life.

Asexuality is considered an umbrella term for people who have sexual identities that involve an aversion to sex, and it includes other identities such as graysexual, autosexual, and demisexual. 

Dr. Edward Ratush, Board Certified Psychiatrist, sex therapist, and co-founder of SOHOMD, explains that fraysexuality "falls under the umbrella of the asexual spectrum because of the specific aversion a fraysexual individual will have toward sexual contact with their most intimate partner. Simply stated, the more a fraysexual person is emotionally connected with their intimate partner the less they are inclined to have overt sexual desire for this partner."

Fraysexual individuals do not necessarily identify as asexual. Rather, the term asexual is used as an umbrella one that fraysexual falls under.

One does not need a specific sexuality to be fraysexual. A person can identify as fraysexual whether they are gay, straight, or pansexual, and they can be of any gender. It's an identity that a person may use to describe themself, or someone else may refer to someone as fraysexual if they notice that that person is more sexually attracted to strangers than to people they know.

Even if someone calls you fraysexual, though, that doesn't mean you have to identify with the term. Sexuality is highly personal, and we all have the right to identify as whatever feels best for us.

When a person has a sexual preference or a limit, the need to set it will increase the likelihood of there being a barrier to connection with partners," Ratush says, so those in relationships with fraysexuals may need to find other ways of connecting with their partner in addition to sex. But, because healthy romantic relationships require many different types of connection, fraysexuality doesn't have to be a deal breaker.

Knowing oneself and understanding how to create a relationship given your nature is important for all relationships. Establishing what you are seeking in a relationship is helpful for both you and your partner when filling any type of sexual or emotional need, especially for fraysexual people.

"Understanding and embracing one's fraysexual orientation can lead to more fulfilling relationships and personal growth as individuals embrace and communicate their sexual needs with their partners," says Moore.

Here;  What It Means to Be Fraysexual—Everything You Need to Know (

Yes!  Don't deny yourself anything!!  Embrace your fraysexual orientation!  Have sex with strangers!  If your wife doesn't understand, send her to a therapist who can help her enter the 21st century and get on board with YOUR NEEDS and YOUR DESIRES.


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