
Friday, April 5, 2024

Israel Takes Blame for Accidentally Killing Aid Workers

 As if the world needed another reason to hate Jews and Israel.  Today we read that the IDF was responsible for killing 7 aid workers in Gaza.  Of course if Russia did the same thing in Ukraine the world would yawn, blink and then say “that’s what happens in war.  People die.”  If the war front opens further and starts to include Lebanon/Hezbollah and Syria-Iran, the world will use every headline it can to further hate the Jewish state.

Also remember to watch for Isaiah 17 and the destruction of Damascus.  It’s in sight.


An Israeli military commission of inquiry has blamed a series of “grave errors” by military personnel, including lack of coordination and misidentification, for its killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza drone strikes.

The Israel Defense Forces said they had dismissed a brigade chief of staff with the rank of colonel and a brigade fire support officer with the rank of major and issued formal reprimands to senior officers, including the general at the head of the southern command.

The findings are likely to renew scepticism over the military’s decision-making. Palestinians, aid groups and human rights organisations have repeatedly accused Israeli forces of firing recklessly at civilians throughout the conflict – a charge Israel denies.

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