
Monday, April 8, 2024

Kremlin Says Russia and NATO Are Now In Direct Conflict

 We already know Russia will never just leave Ukraine and issue an apology.  "Sorry Ukraine and the West!  We thought we knew what we were doing but you have now beaten us so badly that we can't continue this war anymore!  We will now go home and won't bother anyone anymore for quite some time, for sure!"

So what is going to happen?  Well, America and NATO countries will continue to send bullets and missiles to Ukraine so they can shoot them all at Russia using Ukrainian soldiers to do the shooting.  When Ukraine runs out of soldiers, and there is evidence that they are, the West will be forced to send some troops to try and hold the line.  This may be already happening.

So if France sends troops and Russia ends up killing them all, will they send more?  Will they declare war on Russia?

And what NATO troops really want to go over to Ukraine and die for that country?  It's one thing to die in service defending your own country but quite another to die trying to hold the Russians from taking over Ukraine.

Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation", the Kremlin said as the U.S.-led alliance marked its 75th anniversary on Thursday.

NATO's successive waves of eastern enlargement are a fixation of President Vladimir Putin, who went to war in Ukraine two years ago with the stated aim of preventing the alliance from coming closer to Russia's borders. Instead, the war has galvanised NATO, which has expanded again with the entry of Finland and Sweden.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters: "In fact, relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation."

NATO was "already involved in the conflict surrounding Ukraine (and) continues to move towards our borders and expand its military infrastructure towards our borders", he said.

Putin has repeatedly said that Russia was cheated by the West in the aftermath of the Cold War as Moscow's Warsaw Pact alliance was disbanded but NATO moved eastwards by taking in former pact members and the three Baltic states that had been part of the Soviet Union.

The West rejects that version, saying NATO is a defensive alliance and joining it was a democratic choice by countries that had shaken off decades of Communist rule.

NATO says it is helping Ukraine fight for its survival in the face of Russian aggression, and has provided Kyiv with advanced weapons, training and intelligence.

Russia says that makes NATO de facto a party to the conflict. Putin said in February that a direct conflict between Russia and NATO would mean the planet was one step away from World War Three.

Here;  Kremlin says Russia and NATO are now in "direct confrontation" (

And there is that mention again of WWIII.

Wars and Rumors of War seem to be everywhere.

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