
Friday, April 26, 2024

Media in Collusion With Democrats

 Remember when Trump was elected in 2016 and Clinton and others started accusing him of being a Russian mole?  The papers went with it!  It must be true!!  Of course it was all a fabricated lie.  Has anyone ever apologized for that?  Nope.  It's almost like it never happened.

And then the TRUE Hunter Biden laptop story hit the news days before the election but was quickly dismissed as Russian disinformation and the press went along with the story to make sure their man, Biden, wasn't affected by a negative story.

Below is an Opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal.  The Democrats are terrified that Trump will destroy democracy but the Republicans believe the same is already happening under Biden and company.

Can you see how Americans might decide NOT to coexist too much longer?

Two of the most interesting things ever to happen in American politics happened in the past few years. A Democratic presidential campaign, representing the incumbent party, fabricated evidence that its Republican opponent and the eventual president-elect was a Russian agent, and the in-power party’s FBI legitimated the evidence in the eyes of the media so it would be widely reported and believed by the public.

To make sure it was believed, top intelligence officials of the outgoing administration went on cable television to call the new president a Russian mole and Vladimir Putin his case officer.

When the formerly incumbent party’s candidate was seeking to reclaim the White House four years later, the same former officials concocted a new lie to cover up embarrassing information about the candidate’s family. These highly connected former officials had five days to check things out before claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” The New York Post included a receipt showing the FBI had already been in possession of the data for 10 months. Its story documented how the Post acquired the same data. Specific, dated and verifiable events and messages weren’t denied by the Bidens, etc.

Obama intelligence officials James Clapper and John Brennan, and their 49 colleagues, lie today when they say they weren’t lying then.

These realties have been acknowledged on these pages, in a few other papers around the country, on Fox News and at some partisan websites. They might as well never have happened as far as most of the press is concerned.

New York Times resident chin-stroker Thomas Edsall, in the Trump era, has devoted 380 articles, many of them 3,000 words or longer, to raking over voter surveys and long quotes from political scientists psychoanalyzing the U.S. electorate. Not one examined the effect of these glaring events on voters or even acknowledged that they happened.

Democratic and anti-Trump Republican political spinmeisters, from David Axelrod to Mike Murphy to Bill Kristol, spend a hours a week on TV and in podcasts holding forth on politics, talking endlessly about Donald Trump, yet leave the collusion episodes unanalyzed as if they never occurred.

After years, the press finally acknowledges that pollsters find Trump voters every bit as concerned about democracy as Biden voters. “The two men are essentially tied on the issue of protecting democracy, with 43% of voters preferring Biden and 41% picking Trump,” says NBC. Unasked is why.

You might assume a utilitarian motive—Mr. Trump would benefit politically if the truth were acknowledged. Unless correlation has no relation to causation, unless participants in a thousand focus groups are lying, the opposite is true. The dishonesty of his opponents remains Mr. Trump’s great legitimizer, helping him past Jan. 6 and on the road to the White House again.

The real motive for the press silence is fear and shame over acts that are close to treasonous.

Here;  Opinion | A Disinformation October Surprise Is Coming (

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