
Saturday, April 13, 2024

Nuclear Hell in Middle East?

 Here is an article from The Sun in UK.  It spells out how the simulated war games turn out if Iran were to start launching missiles into Israel from locations in Syria and Lebanon.  The article asks if parts of the Middle East could be reduced to a radioactive uninhabited wasteland.  Isaiah 17 seems to suggest that will be the outcome for some places in Syria.


Nuclear hell

Israel at this point turns to the US, telling them that conventional strikes on Iranian nuclear sites have done little to hamper their weapons store.

The US doesn't approve a joint raid on Iran and tells Israel to dial back the fighting - for fear of nuclear escalation.

Israel's prime minister, out in the cold without their biggest ally, decides nuclear weapons are the only option.

While it begins with a non-lethal explosion in a remote part of Iran, Israel also launches cyber-attacks, sending a message to Iran to step down.

Tehran does not bend to Israel's will.

Instead, the US steps in to urge Israel to stand down.

Now desperate, Tel Aviv decides to launch a terrifying 50 nuclear weapons against 25 Iranian military targets to cripple Tehran's forces.

Unsurprisingly, Iran unleashes a nuclear strike of its own against an Israeli air base where US military work.

With nukes flying in both directions, the war game simulation ends.

US politicians, Middle East experts, military personnel and security analysts took part in the two-month exercise.

Run by the Nonproliferation policy education centre last year, it predicted the events of a war between Israel and Iran in 2027, the bulletin reports.

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