
Monday, April 29, 2024

Solomon's Temple Explained

 My daily Bible reading today was all about Solomon's Temple.  Most of you probably know that the location chosen by God to build this Temple was also the location of where God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.  It was also the location where King David bought the threshing floor 1000 years later.  Today the Muslims have the Dome of the Rock built right on top of that location.  So you can see that Satan is playing a game of chess but of course we know that God is the chess Master.

I love the word picture of, "Israel is God's timepiece, Jerusalem is the minute hand and the Temple Mount is the second hand."  We watch what's happening there to know about where we are in God's dispensation.

Below I've posted a video that's very well done that explains all about Solomon's Temple.

Remember, Solomon built the first Temple about 480 years after the Jews left Egypt with Moses, the Babylonians destroyed it about 600 BC.  Then it was rebuilt when the exiles left Babylon after 70 years of captivity.  Nehemiah and Ezra are the books talking about that.  King Herod then added onto it.  So most folks call the 2nd Temple "Herod's Temple."  This 2nd Temple was the one in place when Jesus walked on earth and would have been the Temple he went into.  This was then destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and has never been rebuilt...but there WILL BE A 3rd Temple that the Antichrist will go into.  Then there will be a 4th Temple that Jesus will use during the 1000 Year Reign of Christ.

How is the Dome of the Rock going to be destroyed so the Temple can be built?  Stay tuned!!  These are exciting times!!

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