
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Ukraine May Have Just Crossed Putin’s Nuclear Red Line

Folks wonder what kind of Black Swan event could happen in 2024 that upsets the world order and disrupts life for billions on planet earth?  Here’s one possibility.


Drone attacks on a Russian radar site may have crossed one of Moscow's red lines for potential nuclear weapon use—the "disruption of the response actions of nuclear forces," per the wording of a Kremlin decree signed by President Vladimir Putin in 2020.

Ukrainian drones reportedly targeted the 590th separate radio engineering center of military unit 84680 in the city of Kovilkino on Wednesday morning and on April 11. Kovilkino is in the Mordovia Republic, some 360 miles from the Ukrainian border.

If the Container radar system was affected, the attacks may have met one of the "conditions determining the possibility of the Russian Federation using nuclear weapons," as set out by the 2020 presidential decree.

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