
Friday, April 12, 2024

US Says Iranian Attack on Israel Imminent

 Israel could be hours away from a major attack planned and carried out by Iran.  This could have major prophetic implications if war with Gaza/Hamas gets joined by Lebanon/Hezbollah and Iran/Syria.  Fasten your seat belts!

Tel Aviv — Israel is bracing for a worst-case scenario that U.S. officials believe could materialize within just hours — the possibility of a direct attack on Israeli soil by Iran in retaliation for a strike almost two weeks ago that killed seven Iranian military officers. Iran has vowed to take revenge for Israel killing its commanders, who were hit by an April 1 strike on the Iranian embassy in Syria's capital.

Two U.S. officials told CBS News that a major Iranian attack against Israel was expected as soon as Friday, possibly to include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles aimed at military targets inside the country. 

The officials said it would be challenging for the Israelis to defend against an attack of such a magnitude, and while they held out the possibility that the Iranians could opt for a smaller-scale attack to avoid a dramatic escalation, their retaliation was believed to be imminent. 


Just remember, if Israel is feeling overwhelmed and feeling that they are being overrun, they wouldn’t hesitate to silence Iran, operating from Damascus.  Maybe we are on the cusp of Isaiah 17?  If it’s going to happen, which it will cuz God said so, now would be pretty good timing.

Just to clarify, we shouldn’t be excited about the death of thousands of lost Muslims that will happen when Damascus is destroyed, but we can have our faith edified as we watch God’s Word brought to completion before our very eyes.

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