
Monday, May 6, 2024

Even Liberals Are Figuring Out That Calling for "Death to America!" by Those Who Live in America is Problematic

You can watch this short video clip from Bill Maher as he talks to Pierce Morgan.  He acknowledges that whenever he criticizes Islam he gets in a bunch of trouble from his Leftist fan club.  This must be part of some godless-delusion that is sweeping the land.  How else can you explain college kids shutting down their campus to scream for the Palestinians?  These same Palestinians are the ones who approve of killing gays, queers and trans people...the very folks that college liberals are the most supportive of!

Also, you and I may remember the Palestinians handing out candy and cheering wildly in the streets when they heard the new about planes destroying the Twin Towers on 9/11...but most colleges kids weren't even born yet when it happened so by now they most likely believe 9/11 was some sort of plot to turn the world against the poor Muslims.

Watch Bill here;

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