
Sunday, June 30, 2024

“Disastrous Debate Performance”

Joe Biden is not fit to be the Leader of the free world.  His mumbling, meandering performance on Thursday is still the top headline on Google News this morning.  How sad that we have come to this point as a nation.  We don’t have any Godly leaders running for President.  As a nation slides downhill they will get the leaders they deserve.


Joe Biden is in damage control mode.

The president’s stunningly poor debate performance has sparked a full-on meltdown across the Democratic Party. Donors are fretting. The editorialboards of the nation’s largest newspapers are urging Biden to exit the race, as are influential columnists. And Democrats running down the ticket are scrambling to separate themselves from their struggling standard-bearer.

But after an event like last week’s debate, the electorate can simply be hard to accurately poll if a key set of voters — in this case, shell-shocked Democrats — are unwilling to talk about how they’re feeling.

Even if pollsters take the extra step of adding political attitudes to those weighting variables — like voters’ partisan identification or registration or their recalled 2020 vote choice — they still risk missing some voters who are tuning out politics and surveys in a low moment for their candidate.

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