
Friday, June 21, 2024

Now Putin Threatens Argentina

 I won't spend much time on this, but when I turned on my computer this story on Putin was scrolling across my new tab feed.  The world continues to be in a very dangerous place and time.  What do you do with a tyrant who believe that the Western world wants to take over his country and flood it with LBGTQ, gay marriage, transgender kids, drag queens and all sorts of perversion?  Wait....what if Putin isn't insane but actually realizes that's EXACTLY what the Western world is trying to do?

If you haven't seen Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson you might want to pull it up on YouTube.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's warnings to other countries go beyond European borders. He first threatened to attack British bases and military equipment, after the head of British diplomacy, David Cameron, justified Ukraine's use of weapons to attack Russia within its own territory.

Putin then warned that they had begun to prepare exercises with nuclear weapons in the face of “provocations and threats” from some Western leaders, such as the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, who raised the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. Now, however, it is Argentina's turn.

In fact, the Russian ambassador in Buenos Aires, Dmitry Feoktistov, has conveyed Putin's "deep disappointment" over the approach of the Argentine president, Javier Milei, to Ukraine, as reported by the Europa Press agency.

Putin's "disappointment" has arisen after learning of a possible shipment of weapons and military equipment from the Latin American country to Ukraine, through Germany.

"We have clearly and firmly communicated to Argentina that such actions will be considered hostile actions against Russia," Feoktistov said.

But the possible shipment of military material is not the only source of annoyance for the Kremlin, which has also criticized the presence of Luis Petri, the Argentine Defense Minister, in the Ramstein format, speaking of disappointment on the part of the Russian authorities.

The Ramstein format is the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine, which brings together more than 50 countries that have decided to support the defense of Ukraine by sending military equipment after Russia's invasion in 2022.

Putin's latest threat escalates tensions: Russia targets Argentina (

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