
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Russia and North Korea Sign Mutual Defense Agreement

No surprise here but Russia must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for friends.  So now if NATO attacks Russia because Russia attacked a NATO nation, the North Korea will join the war with Russia.  It would appear the world keeps falling towards WWIII.


Neither the governments of Russia or North Korea have so far released a full text of the agreement that has been signed. Russia state-owned media Tass does have an summary of some of the key messages from Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, and it includes this section on international security and relations. Tass writes:Security issues and the international agenda “occupied significant attention at the negotiations” Russia and the DPRK “consistently defend the idea of ​​​​forming a more just and democratic, multipolar world order,” which should be based on international law and cultural and civilizational diversity.

Moscow and Pyongyang’s assessments regarding the root causes of the escalation of military-political tensions coincide: “This is the confrontational policy of the US to expand its military infrastructure in the subregion.” Such steps undermine peace and stability and pose a threat to all countries of Northeast Asia.

Moscow rejects “attempts to blame the DPRK for the worsening situation.” Pyongyang has the right to “take reasonable measures” to strengthen its own defence capabilities, ensure national security and protect sovereignty.

The negotiations held in Pyongyang “will contribute to the further development of friendship and partnership between Russia and the DPRK, strengthening security in the entire region.”

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