
Sunday, June 9, 2024

United Nations Will Blacklist Israel

 It seems the world is insisting on isolating Israel.  This is what the Bible says will happen in the very last days.  Maybe revival is coming?  Maybe peace is coming?  Maybe Putin will apologize and take his army home from Ukraine? Maybe the church in America will repent and turn back to God?

In reality, God can do anything He wants but we seem to be on the exact track that leads to rapture, 7 years of Tribulation and the 2nd advent of Christ to rule for 1000 years.  Super exciting times we live in!


United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres informed IDF Attaché in Washington Major General Hedi Silberman that he has decided to include Israel in the black list of countries and organizations that harm children in conflict zones, alongside Russia and the terrorist organizations ISIS, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram.

All of Israel's efforts to convince Guterres to avoid the step were unsuccessful, and Israel will appear on the list to be published next week.

Sources familiar with the matter said that it was a lost battle. "The current Secretary-General hates Israel - and it is impossible to influence him. Israel's inclusion in the blacklist is very problematic and may cause countries in the world to impose an arms embargo on Israel."

According to the estimates, the name of the State of Israel will not be explicitly mentioned in the report, but it will be written that the "Israeli security forces" are responsible for the situation.

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