
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

When All the Nations of Earth Gather Against Israel

 This is a great article from a Jewish source.  They are temporarily blinded until the “fullness of the gentiles comes in”.  They think a big revival is coming where folks will realize the Jews know God.  They don’t know who Jesus is, they don’t know the rapture is imminent and they don’t realize that some of the OT passages they quote will have their fulfillment during the 1000 Year Reign of Christ.  But they do know the world is turning on the Jews…again.


“Rise of Antisemitism in Our Day”

In the last days, a great antisemitism is prophesied to rise to oppose Israel in the nations. Jerusalem is predicted to be at the center of contention among the nations:

“When all the nations of the earth gather against her. In that day, I will make Yerushalayim a stone for all the peoples to lift; all who lift it shall injure themselves.” (Zechariah 12:3), TIB 

Actions that give rise to Antisemitism

On May 11, 2024, the General Assembly at the UN voted overwhelmingly to approve a Palestinian State as an Observer State with special privileges. The nations voted 143 to 9 for this proposal with 25 nations abstaining. On May 22, Spain, Ireland, and Norway declared they would announce a recognition of a Palestinian State on May 28th. It is assumed the Two-State Solution is the only way to bring peace with a Jewish State side by side with a Palestinian State. As promoted, the supporters of the Palestinian State see it as taking parts of Israel to form this state including East Jerusalem, Judea/Samaria (West Bank), and Gaza. This means the current borders of Israel would  go back to the pre-1967 borders when Jordan controlled the West Bank and East Jerusalem. All of this territory would be divided from Israel and given to a new Palestinian State governed by terrorist proxies of Iran such as the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. 

Actions that counter Antisemitism

The land of Israel is precious to the Lord. The Abrahamic covenant Hashem gives reminds us that when we seek to do good to Israel, we are blessed, “Those who bless you will be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3).  Many of us may not be able to travel to Israel but there are actions we can take to counter antisemitism in our part of the world. We can educate ourselves about the truth of what is happening in Israel, and tell others about the real issues. We can support ministries like Israel 365 (www.israel365news) who are making a difference. We can speak to others in our sphere of influence to express our support to Israel. The Lord is always attentive to what is happening in Israel:


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