
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

California Passes Law Making it Illegal for Schools to Share Info About Kids With Parents

Let’s say you 8 yr old boy tells his teachers at school that he now wants to be called Barb and use pronouns of she/her.  Of course the teacher has to honor the child’s request.  But the teacher would be breaking the law if she called the parents to tell them about their child’s request.  In response to this recent change in California, Elon Musk has announced his company is leaving CA and moving to TX.


 Newsom passed AB1955 on Monday, which bars schools from informing parents when their child decides to change their gender, effectively stripping parents' rights to know about gender transitions.

According to an official summary of the law:

This bill would prohibit school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, and the state special schools, and a member of the governing board or body of those educational entities, from enacting or enforcing any policy, rule, or administrative regulation that requires an employee or a contractor to disclose any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of those educational entities from being required to make such a disclosure unless otherwise required by law, as provided. The bill would prohibit employees or contractors of school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, or the state special schools, or members of the governing boards or bodies of those educational entities, from retaliating or taking adverse action against an employee on the basis that the employee supported a pupil in the exercise of specified rights, work activities, or providing certain instruction, as provided.

When asked last year by Breitbart why parents shouldn't have the right to know about their children's gender transitions, Newsom said it wasn't worth discussing - suggesting instead that transgender 'kids'' lives were in danger.

"The kids just want to live," he said, without elaborating.

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