
Monday, July 22, 2024

God’s Wrath is Likely on its Way

I have a friend who is a Democrat and a public school teacher.  He and I can debate about all sorts of things related to politics, religion, gender, taxes and LGBTQ issues and still leave the day as friends.  I can’t do that with anyone in my family so am thankful for his friendship.  Of course I would love for the opportunity one day to tell him the Gospel story and have the Lord snatch him away from his current path to destruction, but he thinks he’s heard it all before because he was raised Catholic, “and my aunt was even a nun and the most Godly person I’ve ever known!”  So I keep praying for opportunity and I keep inserting Biblical worldview ideas into our debates.

Just yesterday I won a bet we had on Biden dropping out.  I bet him 2 weeks ago that Biden was done and that DFL was going to force him out and choose someone else.  He said I was 100% wrong and there was no way that could happen, so I’m gloating a bit today as he conceded that I won with yesterday’s news.

But he went on to say that no matter WHO the DFL nominates, they will be the next President.  Why?  Because legally killing babies in the womb is so important to American voters that it will be the #1 issue occupying U.S. voters minds!  So they will NEVER vote for Trump or anyone who hints at curtailing the baby-killing legality.

How sad!  With huge issues like China-Taiwan, Russia, the collapse of the U.S. dollar, inflation, wars and rumors of war, drug addiction, border issues…and the #1 thought on millions of voters minds is “legally killing babies is THE most important issue”.  Maybe we deserve judgment and wrath and maybe it’s already on the way?


 Is There Any Hope for America?

During the past week, the Republican Party nominated Donald Trump as its candidate for the office of President of the United States. Many believe his reelection will save America from its current path to destruction.

Of course, I would prefer to see him return to the White House versus the current occupant. However, I believe God’s judgment looms in the relatively near future regardless of who wins the upcoming election or which party controls Congress and the Senate.

Though optimism abounds among many, we must reckon with the fact that the globalists and deep state within the U.S. will do everything they can to keep Trump out of power. They fear that as president, he will again interfere with their Luciferian agenda of bringing a New World Order to fruition.

Yes, the Lord is more than able to thwart the plans of those seeking to destroy the U.S. On the other hand, it appears much more likely that He will allow them to prevail for a brief time so He might totally destroy Satan’s earthly realm and inaugurate a reign of righteousness over the nations.

A Likely Scenario

I believe the most likely scenario for the coming months, or perhaps years, is the Rapture followed by a rapid degrading of America’s status, if not its total elimination as a nation. I say this because the start of the Tribulation looms ever so close.

The Bible tells us that great wars will occur during the coming Day of the Lord. The conflicts illuded to in Revelation 6:1-8 will result in many more deaths than occurred during the last century with the two world wars and the deadly rise of Communism, which led to a staggering total that exceeded one hundred million.

The world teeters on the edge of disastrous wars on many fronts, which at any moment could erupt into a devastating world war. I believe the presence of the Holy Spirit within us as New Testament saints currently restrains the globalists’ plans to ignite the most deadly wars of history.

It’s amazing that NATO’s provocation of Russia in Ukraine has not yet resulted in a response involving nuclear weapons. Those in Putin’s administration have repeatedly warned the U.S. and its allies of such a response, but President Biden continues to cross the red lines that the Russian president has set for such a disastrous response. How much longer can this keep happening without sparking a deadly conflict?

The Middle East also rests on the brink of a great war that could involve many nations. It appears that a major conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon is unavoidable, which might bring Iran and many other nations into the war.

China’s impending invasion of Taiwan is another flashpoint that could explode into a worldwide conflict involving the U.S.

The rider with a “great sword” is just one of the four riders of the apocalypse whose appearance seem long overdue given all that’s happening at this time.

The Nearness of God’s Judgment

If there is a path to making America great again, it must result in people renouncing abortion, the entire LGBQT+ agenda, and the government’s allowance, if not direct support, of sex trafficking. Any awakening that averts God’s judgment on the U.S. must cause widespread disdain for these things as well as for the lawlessness, deception, and violence that has become so commonplace on our shores.

For three decades, I have believed that Habakkuk’s description of ancient Judah (1:2-4) fits perfectly with modern-day America. How did the Lord respond to the prophet’s complaint? He told him that judgment was already on its way to the Land (1:5-11). Would He respond in the same way today? I think so.

I continually pray for people to come to saving faith in Jesus. I would love to see a great awakening that would take America off its current path to ruin and destruction. However, similar to Habakkuk’s day, God’s wrath is likely on its way to the U.S. as well as to the rest of the world.

Ancient Judah failed to heed the warnings of the likes of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Habakkuk. Today, most people in the U.S. ignore the warnings that resound from many. Sadly, many saints hear “all is well” messages from pastors who deny the Rapture and push the Lord’s return to a far distant time when He comes to inaugurate the eternal state. Far too many put their hope in political solutions that will only lead to further despair.

For the reasons cited above and many more, I’m not optimistic about the future of America. I believe God’s patience will soon end, we will meet Jesus in the air, and the entire earth will feel the full brunt of His wrath. We are far beyond the place where the results of an election will change the downward course.

At times, I feel the pull toward the hope that voters in the upcoming U.S. election will send a resounding message to those now seeking to destroy the nation.

However, the Bible brings me back to the realization that we live in the last days and that the only reliable expectation of the future consists of Jesus’ imminent appearing to take us home to glory.


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