
Monday, August 5, 2024

Growing Number of US Adults “Just don’t want kids”

What do they want?  Cars, travel, entertainment, more money, more free time.  How long do societies last who don’t have children?  A blessing from God and Americans just don’t want it.


A growing number of younger adults in the U.S. say they are unlikely to have kids, surveys show, with the primary reason being they "just don't want to."

That's according to the Pew Research Center, which found the share of adults under 50 who say they are "unlikely to ever have kids" climbed 10 percentage points between 2018 and 2023. A new report by Pew published last week looked at the reasons why childless adults from all age groups said they didn't or would likely never have children.

"The top response (39%) for those ages 50 and older is that it just didn’t happen," the survey conducted in April to May of 2024 says. "Meanwhile, those in the younger group are most likely to say they just don’t want to have kids (57%) ."

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