
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Linen Garments

We know that Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem and the second temple was built by the Jews who returned from Babylon. This second temple was destroyed in A.D. 70, just as Christ said it would be. Since then, there has been no temple in Jerusalem. But the preparations are currently being done for the third temple. The Jews of Israel have the menorah built, they are working on the priestly garments, they are gathering the Levite priests to serve, and now work has begun on the linen garments. The Jews have never lost the clock of the ages that God bestowed on them...and they KNOW that something big is going on and they can feel that it will soon be time to build the 3rd temple and begin offering sacrifices AGAIN....After 2000 yrs!! How Amazing!!

Why should we Christians care about a Jewish temple? Because the Bride of Christ (all people indwelt by the Holy Spirit) will not be here to see the 3rd temple built. Why? Because the bible is clear that we will be gone when the Man of Lawlessness is revealed and the Abomination that causes desolation is carried out in the Holy Place, both of which will evolve around the 3rd Temple. In other words...if the 3rd temple is close to being much longer do we Christians have before the Bridegroom comes for us? "Look up for your redemption is nigh".

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