
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Temple coin

As we know, Islam has two mosques on the temple mount in Jerusalem. The muslims claim that there never was a Jewish temple in Jerusalem and that the Jews have absolutely no right to ever be on the Temple mount. Obviously, they are lying. It is common historical knowledge that whenever Islam overthrew a city, they would tear down the synagogue and build a mosque right on top of it. Since I believe that Satan is at the bottom of Islam and all it's deceptive lies...this practice of destroying any evidence of God's chosen people would fit right into that mold. But recently, more and more evidence of a Jewish Temple on The Temple Mount are appearing. Check out this article;,7340,L-3521334,00.html

Could this all be part of the "end of days" drama that is unfolding at a very rapid pace? Could all of these recent discoveries be paving the way for the Man of Lawlessness to be the one to orchestrate a peace agreement between the Jews and the Arabs? Afterall, if historical evidence now would be easier for someone to insist that the Jews be given a piece of The Mount to build the 3rd temple. We are told in Thessalonians that soon after the Holy Spirit is withdrawn from this earth (rapture) the the anti christ will be revealed. He will be a man with smooth words, charismatic and the world will be very thrilled with him. Chances are good that he will have a very good answer to what the heck happened to all the professing Christians...where did they all vanish to? As the story unfolds, the Jews will build their temple and about 3 1/2 years from when the Christians disappeared, anti-christ will set himself up in the 3rd temple and demand to be worshiped as god. It will be soon after that when all hell will break loose on earth. Jesus tells all the Jews (Matthew 24) that when they see this, don't even go inside to grab a coat....just run for your lives. Jesus says that this time will be the worse that the world has ever seen. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem as the bible commands us to do.

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