Monday, April 21, 2008


As long as man has existed, he has worshiped the earth. Man has been in a constant state of rebellion because of this fact. It's just so stupid, it defies it must be supernatural (satanic) stupidity. Why would you worship the creation instead of the Creator? Anyway, I have been thinking about it for some time and have been wondering what the heck people who are "left behind" will have for an explanation as to where all the Christians went. I have an idea that it will evolve around the claim that we were "too backward" or "too closed minded" and that "mother earth" needed to purge us from herself so that the "enlightened" people who are left can go about the business of healing the planet and gathering together all the people who love peace. Only "tolerant" people will be left to sing kum-ba-yah at the large global camp fire. (big smile) All of us "intolerant" people who had the audacity to believe that Jesus is the ONLY way are gone...and that will be proof to the world of just how stupid all of us Christ followers really were. (may we rest in peace) Please read the attached to get a feel of what the mother earth people are gathering to do;


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