
Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Threat to Israel builds

As the Israeli government continues to shake...will Olmert be forced to step down as corruption charges grow? The enemies of Israel can smell blood in the water. Ahmadinejad steps up his rhetoric that Israel will soon be gone and the typical Arab and Persian on the street starts to believe the rhetoric as it is repeated over and over. Here is a good artcle from David Dolan who is a definite insider to the feelings that are taking over in Israel;


  1. DL - It's interesting how President Bush's comments he made recently while in Israel get 'twisted' to mean more than the original intent. He may have said that the US would never allow Israel to be attacked (or to some extent), but Israeli's take it to mean he's planning a military strike against Iran before he leaves office.

  2. The rumors keep building. Jerusalem is definately a "cup of trembling" just as word of God says.
