
Friday, May 30, 2008


As we know, Babylon, (a city in Iraq) will be at the forefront of the End of Days and the fufillment of yet to be fufilled prophesies. With that in mind, it is interesting to watch how this ancient city has entered the news in the past years since the US led invasion of Iraq. Here is one article from the NYT;

Notice in the article how the United Nations is mentioned. Since many watchers believe that the one world gov't prophesied will have much to do with the UN, it is interesting to note how that connection may be coming into focus.

Here also is another great Babylon article that was in the Washington Post in 2007. Notice how the article suggests MOVING THE UN to Babylon and how that could be a good step towards stabalizing Iraq. I don't disagree with this's just AMAZING to see how God is moving in the world. Read on;

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