
Monday, June 2, 2008

CNN Talks about THE END

In the past we have talked about how even the secular media has started to wonder if strange things are happening. In this video clip from youtube, you can watch as CNN's Paula Zahn interviews Rev. Falwell and a Catholic priest about The End Times.

For the record, I concur with the series of events that Falwell lays out. I also believe it is notable that the catholic priest really doesn't believe that God is going to leave anyone behind. He seems more concerned about how people of the world are being divided and less concerned with what God's word is actually saying.

If you like that clip, here is another one from CNN regarding the end times. It starts off with VERY interesting news story about a physical book of Psalms that was plowed up someplace and was open to Psalms 83 which talks about the enemies gathering against Israel. It then progresses to Joel Rosenberg and Jerry Jenkins being interviewed.

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