
Monday, June 2, 2008

More threats from Persia

I guess Ahmadinejad has been consulting with his spiritual advisor...the anti-Christ. He's definately under some supernatural spell because he has it all backwards if he believes Israel and the U.S. are pawns of Satan. He claims that he physically consults with some spirit of the 12th Imam. If this is true, we know who sent that spirit to talk with him...the father of all lies. Read on;

I will remind you of who the 12th Imam is. He is a nephew of Muhummad who disappeared during a funeral and the legend grew that he is being hidden by Allah and will reappear in the last days to kill all the jews, Christians, buddhists, etc... Basically he will kill everyone who won't surrender to Islam and then will rule the world under sharia law...which is the law written in the Koran. Truly the anti-christ is really hard at work to deceive those who won't accept The Truth. Some Islamic prophecy states that world chaos and mayhem will be the condition of the earth and it's inhabitants when the 12th Imam returns. What is SO scary about Ahmadinejad is that he believes it is HIS role on earth to hasten the chaos necessary to bring back the Imam. And this guy is cooking nuclear bombs in his basement as we write. I'm sure glad Obama is going to go talk to him as soon as he can. Maybe Mr Obama can finally tell him how the 12th Imam is really the spirit of the anti-christ that the Apostle Paul told us about. That ought to go over well.


  1. DL - LOL on whether Obama thinks he can make headway negotiating with anyone like al queada or "I'manuttjob" whatever his name is. The Israel's know too often how they can't keep to their word, even if they do have agreement.

  2. I agree. You have to understand your enemy and agreeing to talk to certain nutjobs only serves to empower them and make them believe you are weak. In their minds, if you were strong you would kick their a-- and dominate...but since you are offering to talk, they assume you are weak and keep diligently preparing to kick YOUR a--.
