
Monday, June 30, 2008

How about a Trial?

We can thank God everyday that we live in a country where we are entitled to a trial if we are accused of something. That's not the way it is in many Islamic countries who are being ruled by extremists. This article was in Fox News. It seems two Afghan men were accused of spying for the US and some Pakistani militants cut their heads off and waved them in front of a cheering crowd of 5000. Here is an excerpt:

"Gunmen with daggers then pounced on one of the men — identified as Jan Wali, 36 — decapitated him and waved his bloody head to the cheering crowd.
The militants then argued over how to kill the other man because he may have been a teenager, before one lost patience and shot him with an assault rifle.
The crowd erupted in cheers of "God is great!" and gunmen fired in the air in jubilation. The celebratory gunfire killed two bystanders and wounded six, local official Fazal Rabbi said."

You can read the entire article here;,3566,372883,00.html

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