
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Even more Rumors

As we know, John Bolton said he believed that Israel would attack Iran if Obama is elected and it would probably happen in the time frame between the November election and the January inauguration. Now ABC news has US defense officials discussing this situation and here are some excerpts;

"The US defense officials were quoted by an ABC News report as saying they were concerned that Israel may attack Iran's nuclear facilities before the end of the year and that such a move may prompt a wave of Iranian retaliatory attacks against both Israeli and US targets.
According to an unnamed Pentagon official quoted by the broadcaster, there is an "increasing likelihood" of such an attack as Iran approaches two "red lines" in Israel's view: The first is the point when Iran produces enough highly enriched uranium to develop a nuclear weapon - something that could happen in 2009 and perhaps even by the end of 2008, according to US and Israeli assessments. "

It also seems that Iran has ordered a new aircraft/missile defense system from Russia and Israel may want to try and take out Iran's nuclear facilities before that system gets operative.

But on the other hand, in the very same article you have a " senior western diplomat" saying that he feels an Israeli attack before year end is unlikely. So you have defense officials concerned and senior diplomats not as concerned. sure sounds like rumors of war to me. You can read the article yourself in the Jerusalem Post here;

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