
Friday, July 4, 2008

MSM Reports on End of the World

A few months ago I posted a few articles that talked about the year 2012 having disastrous consequences for planet earth. One of the most cited sources is the ancient Mayan calendar which after 5000+ yrs of running accurately, simply ends. Today ABC news has run an article on 2012 and why thousands from around the world are preparing for the apocolypse. Read it here;

The more people focus on it, the more likely that the date will come and go without a breeze. Much like the year 2000 was ushered in without a whisper of chaos...much to the disappointment of doomsayers everywhere. However, there is always that chance that the Lord will come for us BEFORE 2012 and the world that is left behind will endure some sort of satanic deception in the year 2012. If that were true, satan would have hundreds of thousands of deceptive-ready-believers ready to buy into whatever strange things he may have planned for a fallen world.

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