
Friday, July 4, 2008

U.S. General says Iranian Attack Likely

For the past few months we have been wondering if Israel is going to attack Iran. Numerous articles have talked about that scenario. Now a U.S. general is saying that, "Iran is likely to launch ballistic missiles against Israel and the United States and the NATO alliance should prepare for it." Read the article here;

Discontent seems to be growing in Iran against their boisterous leader. Our best hope for this whole thing to disappear would be for someone to assassinate Mr. Ahmadinejad. Otherwise, it appears he will get more paranoid, more intent on destroying Israel, and more convinced that his supernatural meetings with the Islamic messiah, the Hidden Imam, need to bear some satanic fruit. He could make things very bad for the world if he turns out to be running a suicidal regime, hell-bent on creating chaos.

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