
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rape in Zimbabwe

There have always been thugs and bullies in the world and I suppose there always will long as humans are running things. We in America certainly take for granted the security and freedom that we have. Our biggest complaints may be $4/gal gasoline or having to wait in line for 40 minutes at the Dept of Motor Vehicles. But we need to remember that many people of this world live in constant fear of they physical safety. This linked article; tells the story of the latest tool of intimidation...rape and sexual assault...that Mugabe and his thugs are using to keep rule by fear and intimidation.

Since Africa won't do anything to deliver justice, should the U.S. and other Western countries send in our militaries to deliver these people? Can we afford to deliver the world from thugs? Can we afford to go into Darfur, the Congo and Zimbabwe? Maybe we should send Obama to talk to Mugabe and find out why he is being so mean?

As the world grows darker in these Last Days, I suspect more and more thugs will emerge. Cockroaches come out when it's dark and they flee when the light is put on them. Where is the light in this world to make the cockroaches, like Mugabe, flee? Who will stand for the downtrodden? In the USA we seem incapable of agreeing what the definition of "evil" really is, so most likely we will sit on the sidelines and watch the atrocities build.

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