
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Food Crisis

Today's Wall Street Journal has an opinion article about the global catasrophe of rising food costs. For the wealthy nations of the world, it's an annoyance to have to spend more on food, but for the poorest citizens of the world, rising costs mean that millions simply won't have the money to buy their daily bread. Read it here;

Where does the blame lie? All over the place. As we have stated before...the world seems to be facing problems of such large magnitude that common man seems incapable of solving them. I believe this increase in food problems, global squabblings, rumors of wars, wars and an increase in natural disasters, is setting the stage for 1) the coming of a global leader who offers real sollutions that the world will embrace but the bible refers to as The Anti-Christ, 2) the return of Christ to rule earth during the millenium. It will be time of peace, plenty and instant justice...something that the world is yearning for, but will never find without Christ.

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