
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Third Temple

As we know, Solomon's temple was the first one built in Jerusalem to the exact specifications ordered by God. That was destroyed when the Israelites were hauled off to Babylon. The 2nd Temple was rebuilt when Nehemiah, Zerubbabel and others returned after the exile was over. The 2nd temple is the one that Jesus worshiped at and also the one he pointed to when telling the disciples, "I tell you, not one stone will be left standing on another". This prophecy of Christ came true in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed the temple and pried the stones apart to get at the gold that had melted into the cracks.

The 3rd temple will be built. We don't know exactly when but the Jews know is will be built in the Last Days in prepartion for the messiah they have been awaiting for 3500 yrs. The Christians who follow prophecy also know it must be in place for the prophecies regarding the anti-christ to come true. So it is a VERY pivotal event and place. So when we see the preparations happening for it's construction, we should definitely be "looking up, for our redemption is nigh". That is why this article in the Jerusalem Post is very interesting. Read it here;

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