
Monday, July 7, 2008

Rapture Hoax?

I recently stumbled across a website that caught my eye as it promised to expose fundamental Christian's beliefs as a hoax. As I paged through the site, certain paragraphs caught my eye. Notice how they tie into the idea that there is no truth. They use the backwards logic that since we can never know the mind of the Creator (true) that we can never know that there is truth. (false) I will post a few paragraphs for you to test your discernment on.

"Ultimately, God is what God is. How man chooses to label God with his religion probably has less significance than the sincerity of ones heart when one calls out to God. For the Christian we may label the ultimate reality as Jesus. For a Jew it may be Yahweh. For a Muslim it is Allah and for a Buddhist it may be Buddha. Whatever one culture chooses to call God is determined by an infinite number of historical and cultural factors, but this author submits that each culture is equally valid in how they choose to address the Almighty."

So from the above paragraph we learn that it doesn't really matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere. Would the author acknowledge that someone can be sincerely wrong? Or is sincereity the only test of truth? The bible tells us that there is no name under heaven BUT Jesus that has the power for salvation.

Here is another that admonishes believers of the Rapture;

"Not only are these shameless, selfish Rapture views contrary to traditional Christian concern for neighbor and mankind in general, but consider the contrast to other great world religions, where Buddha and Krishna for example, vow not to enter heaven themselves until they have helped the last living being into heaven before them."

So in the above paragraph, he ridicules belief in the rapture because he LIKES/PREFERS the way that Buddha and Krishna attain heaven. So the author of the above paragraph chooses to toss out the references in scripture to the wrath of God and people being killed for their sin and unbelief...because he doesn't LIKE that idea of God. He prefers to remake the Creator of the Unviverse into something that he prefers.

The bible is clear that we all need to be ready to explain and defend our beliefs. Our testimony has power. When we are confronted by all the false teachers and false beliefs, will we be able to recall the word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword?

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