
Monday, July 7, 2008

Signs are Clear

I have mentioned the website, Rapture Ready, in my postings before. It is a site I frequent often and I am in theological agreement with the vast majority of information I have seen on their site. Every Monday, the author of the site has an update titled, "Nearing Midnight" and includes in-depth coverage of the latest happenings as they portend to prophecy. In today's update the final paragraph reads;

"The signs of the times couldn’t be clearer. It is time for those who are Christ’s to be aware of the lateness of the hour. --Time to do the work that Jesus gave believers before ascending to His and our Father. The minutes the believer has left to accomplish for God’s work are passing with the swiftness of movement of the end-times events observably taking place in literally every direction one looks."

Jesus also told us in the Gospel of Mark, "What I say unto one, I say unto all; watch!" Our Lord is telling us to be sensative to the times and to understand those times. And once we do understand them, He tells us to snatch people from the fire. So let's all think a little less about how we are going to entertain ourselves today and tomorrow...and think more about WHO we can interact with and have an eternal impact on.

You can read the Nearing Midnight piece here;

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