
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Misery Loves Company

Lest we all think that America is going to come upon hard times all by itself, I will direct you to this article from Forbes;

Europe is also going to be hard hit by any slowdown that the US experiences. Afterall, it is simple economics that the high tax, big social services of Europe will only last so long. And it appears the time might be running out. When you compound this with the Muslim-immigration problem that Spain, France and Germany are can almost hear them calling for a world leader that will come and save them all from themselves. Enter the Anti-Christ.

America will cease to be a world power literally in the twinkling of any eye because of The Rapture. Europe has very few believers so they will, in large, be left behind to witness the entire Tribulation. Thessalonians tells us the the anti-Christ will not be revealed until the Holy Spirit has been removed from earth in the Rapture. So we should not be watching for the anti-christ, but instead should be focused on watching for the Groom (Christ) coming to claim His Bride. (all believers)

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