
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

American Hiroshima

This is scary stuff to say the least. The intelligence community keeps hearing chatter that Al qaeda has purchased suitcase nukes from the former Soviet Union and has them already smuggled into the U.S. The rumors go on to say that it's not just one, but as many as 7 and they are trying to put together a plan to detonate them all over a short period of time. As I remember how this country came to a standstill after 9/11, a person can't even imagine what type of devastation that a plan like this would cause. It could, quite honestly, be the end of the U.S. as we know it. Where does the bible tell us to place our confidence...? Solely on the Lord. Read the NYT article here;

Also check out this Newsmax article on the same topic;

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