
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Russia Invasion. Why this will affect your life.

As the enormous amount of information runs across our screens....who can keep track of it all? Why should we care if Russia sends tanks, planes and bombs into Georgia and kills a few thousand civilians lined up at the mall? How is that going to affect me watching the Olympics tonight?

The answer to that is just a tad frightening. Georgia wanted to get into NATO (North American Treaty Organization) last year but it's application was turned down. Why? I have no idea, but had they been approved, we members of NATO would be on our way to Georgia to fight Russians.

Please read this article in the WSJ so you have a better understanding of how important it is for the world that we all take a stand today against Russian aggression. Also remember that Russia is going to be a major player in the war of Ezekiel 38 and that war is moving closer at an alarming speed.

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