
Friday, September 12, 2008

Analyst Describes WWIII

The article below is nothing less than frightening. I will remind you that the bible tells us that the events coming for this earth will make men faint with fear. The article describes some of those events and the author seems pretty convinced they could get started in the next few months. Israel has to be close to feeling that it is totally surrounded. If she feels that her very survival is at stake, she might fight like a cornered racoon and attempt to bite every one of her enemies...even if it's the last thing she does.

Read this VERY sobering article here;

I can tell you that if even 1/4 of these described events come true, it would make us forget all about shopping at the Mall of America, spending countless hours watching ESPN, planning for our early retirements, drawing plans for our dream home, etc... Instead, we might dust off our bibles and focus on the Lord so that our hearts get straight...before His imminent return.

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