
Thursday, September 11, 2008

U.S. Refuses Israel

This is really big news that is coming out today. Is it true or is it pre-attack propaganda to keep Iran off it's feet? We will never know til it all becomes part of history.

The article is saying that the U.S. will not help Israel if Israel decides to attack Iran. Israel asked the U.S. if it could fly over Iraqi airspace and the U.S. said they should ask Iraq themselves. Actually, this is a very good answer (politically) since the U.S. is trying to show the world that Iraq is truly independent. But it may be a very bad answer for the U.S. from a biblical point of view if we quit standing with Israel. As many of you have heard me say, I think it may be possible that the reason the U.S. rose to such power, so quickly was to fufill God's word in helping to incubate Israel. And we were the first country to recognize them and the only country that has helped their military stand up to constant arab/soviet aggression and threats.

You can read the article here;

It begs the question; if the U.S. quits standing tall for Israel...will we lose the blessing of Genesis 12:3? It certainly appears that the Lord's hand of protection is being lifted as we watch natural calamities and moral depravity run all over this country.

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