
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Muslims Know Temple Mount is Jewish

This is pretty a much a huge piece of news. There is proof that the Muslim's who control the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (Waqf) have known all along that Solomon's temple was on the mount in the beginning. Somewhere AFTER 1925, they decided to fabricate a lie that the Jews were never there. And as we all know, if the Father of Lies keeps repeating a lie long enough, eventually it will be understood as truth to somebody. In this case, it is now the majority of muslims who believe that the Jews have no claim to the mount and that it has always been a muslim holy site.

You can view the article here which has images of the 1925 pamphlet printed by the Waqf;

It will be interesting to see if ANYONE on the mainstream media makes mention of this news. Afterall, it might offend some muslims if they find out that what they have believed for their entire lives has all been a lie. And the MSM seems only willing to offend Christians these days...but NEVER wants to risk offending the muslims. Afterall, they might riot or hurt someone if they are offended.

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