
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sunday Morning, Staying Home

This is an interesting article that I saw in the Wall Street Journal reviewing a book by a woman who was attempting to explain why people aren't coming to church. I will post the reviewer's last paragraph and invite you to read the rest of the article.

"According to Ms. Duin, churches dedicated to making disciples will "do well in this era of dumbed-down, purpose-driven, seeker-friendly Christianity." But is that really true? From a theological perspective, there is no guarantee that churches will prosper as they attempt to make disciples--if we judge prosperity by church membership alone. A church might conscientiously carry out its biblical tasks and yet, by measures of popularity, do poorly in this world. Such a church would not be doing right if it adjusted its mission for the sake of higher attendance records. Note that by the end of his ministry the number of disciples with Jesus was down to 12. Now there was a decent church, one might say, if a small one."

He makes a great point in that churchs are NOT popularity contests on this earth. We may be doing our biblical duty of preaching truth and helping people to repent...but Christ's word guarantees that the message will be repulsive to the world. Should we be happier with 100 people who are true Christ followers or with 5000 who attend church just so they can feel good?

Read the full article here;

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