Sunday, September 7, 2008

Parent's Murder Daughter for Honor

Here is a story that makes you feel pity for the murdered girl. It seems her parents sold her for marriage at age nine and now that the girl was 17, she didn't want to marry this 45 yr old man. So as she was coming out of court, she was murdered by hit-men sent by her parents. And of course, the article doesn't say it directly, but I will give you one choice of what "religion" could make these parents come up with such a heinous plan....yes, you guessed it....Islam.

Read the article here;,2933,418025,00.html

Please pray for Pakistan as this country is in great danger of coming apart. And if it does, the entire world will be at peril of being sucked into the resulting power vacuum, with a VERY good chance the muslim extremists could get a big hold.


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