
Sunday, October 26, 2008

All Eyes on Israel

It seems that the world's eyes are focused on Israel almost every single day. How strange that a tiny county of 7 million with a land area the size of southern Minnesota, could garnish so much attention. The headline on Google News today is, again, about Israel. Currently, the Israeli government is having a tough time putting any leadership together. Olmert has been forced out by a scandal and Tzipi Livni is having experience issues that have people questioning her ability. You have to KNOW that the enemies of Israel are viewing this development as just one more sign that Israel is weak and may be on the verge of collapse. The bible tells us that in the last days that the Lord himself will fight for Israel. But before that happens, at Christ's 2nd advent, God himself will protect Israel during Ezekiel's war.

Here is the headline article today regarding Israel;

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