
Monday, October 27, 2008

Iran to Attack London?

The rumor continues to build of a military engagement between Israel and Iran. This article talks more about the time frame of when it may happen....between the U.S. presidential election and the innauguration...especially if Obama is elected. In a new twist, it seems an Iranian official has called for Iran to attack the UK, hoping that would somehow deter the U.S. and/or Israel.

The Iranian official said this;
"If we agree that such a scenario - with America, England and Israel at its center - is conceivable, then it would seem that the most appropriate means of deterrence that Iran has, in addition to a retaliatory operation in the [Gulf] region, is to take action against London. Experience proves that the [part played] by politicians in Tel Aviv and in London, in the [fanning of the] flames against Iran and in the urging of America to strike Iran, is no less than [the part played] by Bush," he said.

Read the full article here;

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