
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Divine Judgement from allah

Iran definately sees it's star rising. They feel that the day is soon coming for them to usher in the 12th Imam (the perfect human being) who will kill the jews and the infidels (everyone who isn't muslim) and set up a world made up totally of muslims.

Read the article here;

Notice that they believe the current financial crisis wreaking havoc on the U.S. is "divine punishment" sent to us by allah.

It is interesting to note that many Christians believe that the U.S. is in decline because we have turned from God and have become lukewarm towards His Word. So we may, in fact, be under "divine judgement". I just don't believe that allah (satanic moon-god) is capable of handing out "divine judgement". Only the God of Israel can do that.

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